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Why Should I Be Filled with the Holy Spirit Daily?

Why Should I Be Filled with the Holy Spirit?

Ephesians 5:18—And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit . . .

A discussion of the Holy Spirit often leaves us dry because we fail to relate the filling of the Holy Spirit with the practical areas in our lives. However, even a quick glance at Ephesians 5:17-6:23 reveals that the control of the Holy Spirit directly affects every major area of life. We see eight reasons why a believer should be filled (appropriately translated controlled or enabled) by the Holy Spirit.

It is a command and affects my relationship with God (5:17,18).

Spirit control is not an option; it is a command. It is not just for church leaders or the spiritually elite but for all believers every day (continuous action). The only part of our lives God has promised to bless is that which is lived in the will of God, by the power of God, and for the glory of God. Living under the control of the Spirit is to live under the authority of God. This is enablement for vineyard obedience.

It affects my personal walk and inner joy (5:19-21).

Every believer will find that he will be controlled by something. If not controlled by the Holy Spirit, he will be controlled by such things as worldly philosophies, emotions, or a selfish nature. Only a life controlled by God’s Spirit will produce joy, thankfulness, and submission in the inner man. In essence, we lose our song if we are not Spirit-controlled. This is enablement for vineyard joy.

It affects my relationship with the body of Christ (5:21).

How easily we are offended or how quickly we rise in a domineering spirit when our lives are not under the Spirit’s control. We lose our sense of teamwork, and the body of Christ becomes a collection of lone rangers or celebrities rather than a body of members serving one another in love. This is enablement for vineyard body life.

It affects my relationship with my mate (5:22-32).

As a result of the Fall in our first parents, we have corrupted leadership and corrupted fellowship. The only solution to the paralyzing effects of this disaster is for each partner to willingly submit themselves to the Spirit’s control in their respective roles. Marriage seminars can help, but the good advice of information will fall short without the good news of divine intervention through the work of God’s Spirit. This is enablement for vineyard marriage.

It affects my relationship with my children (6:1-4).

In his book, Generation at Risk, Fran Sciacca says, “Today’s youth are at risk simply because they have no satisfactory reason to live. This is just as true of Christian young people as of those outside the influence of Christianity.” Servant parents on duty for the King are God’s solution for this dilemma. The hearts of parents must be controlled by God’s Spirit and turned toward their children for a God-centered life to be in their vision (Malachi 4:5,6). This is enablement for a vineyard family.

It affects my witness in the marketplace (6:5-9).

If there is no control of the Spirit, people will not see the fruit of the Spirit, which dilutes our testimony in the workplace. No one is sure if the believer is a transformer or a conformer. The salt has lost its savor, and the light is under a bushel. This is enablement for vineyard influence in society and in evangelism.

Satan is aggressive in nature (6:10-18).

We need to be able to stand against the strategies and methods of the devil. He is both organized, energized. Without the Holy Spirit’s direction and protection, our fleshly weapons will fail. We are to be reminded that the question is not if Satan is working but where is he working, for he is at work, and only the Spirit-clad believer will stand. This is enablement for spiritual warfare.

God’s ministry network is strategic in nature (6:19-24).

God is not nearly as interested in size as He is in sort of ministry (I Corinthians 3:13). Small, healthy ministries that intentionally network with other ministries become a powerful tool in God’s hands. Sometimes God simply wants a “Spirit-filled hinge” ministry to connect with others. Paul only traveled alone once in his ministry, and while alone, he never started a church. Teamwork is God’s way. We must learn to view other ministries as companions and not competitors. This is enablement for vineyard oneness.

Friend, may I suggest that you review the list and be convinced that the Spirit’s filling is an absolute for the victorious, God-honoring believer. If we are honest, we must admit we cannot afford to live one hour without being Spirit-filled. Welcome His presence, enthrone Him by choice, and walk in obedience to His instructions through God’s Word. As you can see, this enablement affects every practical area of our lives.


  • Think about the word enablement.

  • Review the 8 areas of application.

  • Admit your need.

  • Welcome His presence and make Him Lord daily.

A Touch of Tozer

After a man is convinced that he can be filled with the Spirit, he must desire to be. To the interested inquirer, I ask these questions: Are you sure that you want to be possessed by a Spirit, Who, while He is pure and gentle and wise and loving, will yet insist upon being Lord of your life? Are you sure you want your personality to be taken over by One Who will require obedience to the written Word? Who will not tolerate any of the self-sins in your life: self-love, self-indulgence? Who will not permit you to strut or boast or show off? Who will take the direction of your life away from you and will reserve the sovereign right to test you and discipline you? Who will strip away from you many loved objects which secretly harm your soul?

Unless you can answer “yes” to these questions, you do not want to be filled. You may want the thrill or the victory or the power, but you do not really want to be filled with the Spirit . . .

Before there can be fullness, there must be emptiness. Before God can fill us with Himself, we must first be emptied of ourselves.

The Tozer Topical Reader, p. 261

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